2 thoughts on “P2 Daily Chat

  1. Hello Miss Steel
    Bobby is having a problem getting access to your Team at the moment. We think this is due to some issue with his name being either “Robert” or “Bobby” depending on your point of view!! Also we are informed by other parents on Teams that he is allocated to a school in Gorgie for some reason…
    Anyway, we have informed the school on the “admin” email address so hopefully we can join you soon.
    Findlay (Bob’s dad)


    • Hi Findlay,

      I have hopefully sorted this out for you, if I’ve done it correctly he should be on the system as “Bobby”. I have just sent a new invite so Bobby can join our P2 Team. Let me know if this doesn’t work and I will contact Miss Chadwick (our IT Whizz!) to get it sorted ASAP.

      Miss Steel


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